Everyone is different, and there are dozens of approaches to coaching. It's important for you to find a good fit.

I work with a wilderness, journey, mind, body, and spirit based approach which I believe truly captures our human condition and connects us with something greater.

If you think you would benefit from this style of coaching, let's get a free, half hour on the calendar soon to talk about what's on your mind (blah..) and see if this could be a good fit.

Ongoing sessions are $75/hr. I've found that it usually works best to have some continuity with coaching. It takes a little time to figure out where you're starting from, where you're heading, and what the right steps are to move you in that direction. In light of this, I have found that 3 session "mini-series" tend to work really well, so I offer three session packages for a reduced cost of $200.

I offer virtual sessions as well as in-person if you happen to be in the NC High Country.

Are you ready? What are you waiting for?

Let's get in touch… <insert scotty@jmcoach.com email address>